• 113 6th Street San Leon, TX 77539
  • 281-413-3914
  • info@sanleonoysterfest.com


It is with great regret that we are postponing the San Leon Oyster Fest.

As you may know, this has been a devastating year for oyster production.  The flooding we experienced in spring has stressed oyster beds and the quantity of oysters that are available to harvest.  This limits our ability to ensure the availability of oysters for the oyster fest and heightens the urgency to fulfill our mission to restore oyster reefs in Galveston Bay.

We look forward to presenting the San Leon Oyster Fest in the future when Mother Nature and the environment support our efforts.

Thank you for understanding. We will notify you of the date for the next San Leon Oyster Fest.

Throw a rock, grow an oyster.

Lisa Halili

More than just an event!


We are a 501C3 Non Profit whose mission is to protect, restore and sustain oyster reefs in Galveston Bay and educate the general public on the importance of the ecosystem.

Entertainment Line Up

Special Guests

Upcoming Events

Our Mission

The San Leon Oyster Fest is a non profit 501©3 educational and environmental restoration organization whose mission is to protect, restore and sustain oyster reefs in Galveston Bay, educate the general public on the importance of the ecosystem, protect the oyster industry, and to collaborate with other agencies to achieve our goal.

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Recent News

  • Kerry Esmond, Attendee

    Went both years. Worked the last year to help. Was awesome to help and will do it again! By the way the good folks at Prestige have the best oysters!

  • Luci Minchew, Attendee

    It was a blast for the whole family! Great food, great drinks and loved the entertainment!!

  • Sally Tyler, Attendee

    Great Fun, good music, and kid-friendly event! Oysters were delicious!